- both parties
- обе стороны
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Both Parties Concerned — is a short story by J. D. Salinger, first published in the Saturday Evening Post on February 26, 1944. The story chronicles a young couple s struggles to mature from adolescence and the conflicts they encounter raising a baby. This was an… … Wikipedia
parties and privies — Parties to a deed or contract are those with whom the deed or contract is actually made or entered into. By the term privies, as applied to contracts, is frequently meant those between whom the contract is mutually binding, although not literally … Black's law dictionary
in the presence of both parties — in the midst of both sides of the legal case, in the presence of both the defendant and the plaintiff … English contemporary dictionary
Parties — Party Par ty (p[aum]r t[y^]), n.; pl. {Parties} (p[aum]r t[i^]z). [F. parti and partie, fr. F. partir to part, divide, L. partire, partiri. See {Part}, v.] 1. A part or portion. [Obs.] The most party of the time. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Parties That Cook — is an American corporation that provides cooking classes and culinary team building events in rented professional kitchens and private homes across the San Francisco Bay Area, Chicago and Los Angeles. The company offers both public and private… … Wikipedia
Parties in the European Council during 2002 — This article describes the party affiliations of the leaders of each member state represented in the European Council during the year 2002. The list below gives the political party that each head of government, or head of state, belonged to at… … Wikipedia
POLITICAL LIFE AND PARTIES — Introduction It was largely due to the existence of the pre state political parties, which had conducted intensive political activities for almost half a century within the framework of the yishuv , under the British Mandate for Palestine, that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
List of political parties in the Republic of Ireland — There are a number of political parties in the Republic of Ireland, and coalition governments are common. The state is unusual as a developed nation in that politics is not primarily characterised by the left right political divide. This is… … Wikipedia
List of political parties in Belgium — Belgium is a federation with a multi party political system, with numerous parties who factually have no chance of gaining power alone, and therefore must work with each other to form coalition governments.Almost all Belgian political parties are … Wikipedia
List of political parties in Uruguay — Political parties in Uruguay lists political parties in Uruguay. Uruguay has a multi party system, with three dominant political parties, with extreme difficulty for anybody to achieve electoral success under the banner of any other party. It may … Wikipedia
nationalist parties — The Scottish National Party (SNP) was founded in 1934 by supporters of self government for Scotland. Support grew from the late 1960s, thanks to public dissatisfaction with the two party system and the failings of the postwar consensus. The… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture